Emperor Christian Victor I

Emperor Christian Victor I

Wednesday 16 April 2014

What's Up Wednesday (Arc International Natural Gas Power Plants Update)

Viscount Hayz arrived in Arcwhite this past Monday for an "emergency" meeting with Lady Arcwhite and subsequent press conference. The meeting was concerning world wide protest about Arc International's growing proprietorship of new state of the art Nuclear and Natural gas power plants. Supposed danger to the environment and threats to human health and safety are being tabled by the world's leading environmental groups.

Arriving on the main Island of Arcwhite in his own private jet, Viscount Hayz was in a hurry and did not comment at that stage.

"The Spire" Office Building is the tallest in Europa and serves as the headquarters for Arc International. Viscount Hayz was ushered into a two hour long private meeting with Lady Arcwhite and then continued on to the promised press conference at 3 o clock in the afternoon.

Lady Arcwhite seemed unusually and uncharacteristically stressed and distracted as she and Viscount Hayz faced the world press. The main topic was the facts surrounding Arc International now owning three controversial power plants world wide. The first is the already well known Natural Gas Plant in the politically volatile Serbieski. Although the situation in Serbieski has to a large extent become one of amicable constraint. Lady Arcwhite refused to comment and all the talking was left to Viscount Hayz. 

This map of Europa shows the location of the various Arc International power plants. The stars point to their location. Two new plants, one on Arcwhite itself and a brand new nuclear plant situated on the Africanian continent may seem economically aggressive and also a very real danger to the environment. One would be forgiven for noticing their strategic placement as this is obviously for efficiency but could also be seen as so precise as to be on the level of militarily strategy. The locations, may cause Arc International to have monopoly on all power generation for the continent of Europa in no less than 10 years. The threat to the environment is also of great concern as problems at these plant could have disastrous effects.

The new plant in Africania promises economic growth for the region and will serve Africania as well as Europa. So close to an arid desert region even the worst nuclear meltdown would have little consequence but the plant is of the mist advanced design on earth, Viscount Hayz said.

As far as the plant in Arcwhite, it is small and within our sovereign territory and owes no explanation to the outside world. This was the slightly evasive conclusion of the press conference. An International inquiry is to inspect all three plant to ensure International Standards Compliance and Viscount Hayz promised full co-operation. 

We can only hope that Arcwhite is playing by the rules and that all ends well as this unexpected possible threat may escalate into a far larger issue.

1 comment:

  1. Hola, este ha sido un post muy completo.
    Hiciste un gran trabajo.
    Hasta pronto.
