Emperor Christian Victor I

Emperor Christian Victor I

Tuesday 2 September 2014

What's Up Wednesday (Shahbahnou Women of Influence Meeting)

The pretender to the Perlistani throne, Princess Farah, Shahbahnou of Perlistan hosted a meeting in the Perlistan capital yesterday. Since her welcome back into her native country, the Shahbahnou has been very active in many charity causes one of which being women's rights. This event is the largest Royal gathering in Perlistan since the 96 Revolution and constitutes the largest political gathering of women in Perlistan in its history. The meeting sought to gather the most influential ladies of title in pretense, this all in aid of raising awareness of abuse against women and women's right especially in third world countries. 

Her Imperial Highness Princess Farah, Shahbahnou of Perlistan as she is now officially referred to since her repatriation to her native country and her ceremonial place without political power being secured. She looked spectacular in rubies and red couture gown. 

The guests were all the most prominent women of title but in the capacity of being without official political power. Thus, those ladies who are all from former monarchies. Above we see Princess Augusta of Scot-Britania, the very wealthy antiques dealer and aunt to the Crown Prince Imperial and in green, the Crown Princess of Ophiri. 

The Duchess Di Giorgio is the pretender to the throne of the former Kingdom of Romagna. 

Princess Marie-Elizabeth is in the unique position of being a member of the reigning Royal Family of Swann and a member of the Fulco D'Este dynasty which is in pretense. As such she wields exceptional influence in Europan affairs and has often spoken on behalf of major charities. 

In the center we see the wife of Prince Felix Youssopoff of Ruskiana. As wife of a Nobleman in pretense in the former Empire of Ruskia, she too holds some political influence as her brother reigns in Hanoveria. However her husband is the wealthiest business man in Ruskiana so her financial clout often outweighs her political influence. 

The Crown Princess Imperial, Princess Odeliah could never have imagined how her life would have changed in the last five years. She has gone from farm girl to veritable empress in exile, to being welcomed on her husband's arm, back into what was to be her husband's empire. Politically the former monarchy of Scot-Britania has never been more popular even though there has not been a restoration and their welcome will undoubtedly be secure. Arguably, Princess Odeliah is the most influential woman in the world and her humble yet powerful support lends great value to any cause she chooses to back. 

Princess Odeliah looked characteristically smart in a rarely worn Aquamarine Parure. 

The full compliment of guests also included the Marchioness of Londonderry at far left and after the press conference and photo opps sat down to dinner and speeches before the next day's conference. 

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